Clinic Deluxe Edition The Extension
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The brand newest Clinic: Deluxe Edition the Extension contains all expansions (at least 12 expansions) already released in the medical dossier #1, medical dossier #2 and medical dossier #3, with new rules, new components, new lay outs and new tiles with new graphics and illustrations from Ian O'Toole.
Clinic: The Extension is a boxed expansion which will include ALL expansions (at least 12) already released over the past 5 years. It introduces several new concepts and includes:
-the Amenities (cafeteria, dormitory) with the buses
-the Pharmacy and the Pill tiles
-the Hospice tiles
-the Elders tokens
-the Ambulance tiles
-the Expecting tokens
-the 4th floor new player board
-the Maintenance Shop tiles
-the Janitors pieces
-the Urban Design cards
-the Pillars tiles and tokens
-the Virus tiles and tokens
-the Satellite Dish tiles
-the Intensive Care Unit tile
-the Public Work tiles