2023 Upper Deck Marvel Premier Hobby Box

Prix $844.95

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Please note the packaging and cards list 2021 as the product year.


5 cards per Pack

1 pack per Box

 Tin Hits (On Average)

 1 Booklet, 3-Panel, 4-Panel, or 5” x 7” Oversized Sketch Card

 Base Set Character- inspired Sketch Card

 Serial Numbered or Foil Base Set Parallel Cards

 1 Classic Art Shadowbox, SP, or SSP Card.

 CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS: (All items subject to change)

 Collect the 50 Card Base Set, numbered, with all new original art.

o Look for 5 tiers of numbered Base Set Parallels, each varying in rarity!

 Blue Deco Foil

 Red Deco Foil

 Gold Spectrum Foil

 Purple Spectrum Foil

 Black #’d to 1

o Discover a Base Set Variant card with 1 of 1 Sketch Art backgrounds!

 Search for Shawdowbox cards with replicated pieces of classic art paired with a Marvel Hero characters

o Find SP and SSP versions of these Shadowbox cards!

 Grab Breakout insert highlighting character charging through walls!

o Discover SP and SSP versions!

Each Box contains on average 1 booklet, 3--panel,, 4--panel,, or 5”x7”

oversized sketch card!!