Dixit Origins
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- Language : Multilingual
- Age : 8+
- Time : 30-45 min
- Number of players : 3-6
Dixit is a classic, simple, lighthearted game of storytelling and guesswork where your imagination unlocks the tale. Each round, cards are revealed. Their connection: one enigmatic sentence. Be careful! Only one picture represents the correct answer, the others are decoys. To find the correct image, let your imagination be your guide.
-Challenge your ingenuity with the beautiful cards boasting new art from Clément Lefevre
-Adds 84 new cards that can be easily fit into any Dixit collection, expanding gameplay options and increasing replayability
-This is an expansion. A copy of Dixit is required to play.
-This multilingual edition includes more than 12 languages, notably: English & French