Legacy Of Yu
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Recommended Players: Solo (1 Player)
Recommended Age: 14+
Playing time: 60 minutes
Legacy of Yu is a solo-only, fully-resettable, nonlinear campaign game in which you step into the role of the legendary hero of the Xia Dynasty, Yu the Great. It will be your job to build the canals ahead of the impending flood, while also defending your growing village against neighboring barbarian tribes. With each game, stories will be shared and new gameplay elements added. The campaign features a self-balancing system which adapts to how well you are doing. The campaign ends once you either win or lose seven games.
- Fast, tense gameplay with quick setup and teardown between sessions!
- Worker placement, deck management, resource management and action chaining make for an exciting and dynamic experience.
- Captivating stories and moments to discover with each game as you progress through the campaign.
- Custom Insert for easy storage
- Rulebook
- Story Book
- Gameboard
- Story Deck (71 Cards)
- 30 Townsfolk Cards
- 16 Barbarian Cards
- 7 Victory Cards
- 7 Defeat Cards
- 6 Hut Cards
- 10 Canal Cards
- 21 Punchboard Pieces
- 34 Wooden Workers (in 5 colors)
- 11 Wooden Buildings
- 9 Wooden Clay & 9 Wooden Wood
- 1 Wooden Barge & 1 Wooden Flood