Sheepy Time
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Number of Players: 1-4
Playing Time: 30-45 Minutes
Recommended Ages: 10+
You are the Dream Sheep- The sheep that people count in order to drift off to Dreamland! Each time you jump the fence, you help everyone fall asleep easier. But beware the Nightmares that haunt these dreams and threaten a rude awakening
Play your cards right, use your Zzzs on the sweetest dreams, and prove you are the dreamiest sheep of All!
- 1 Game Board
- 1 Fence Token
- 1 Scoreboard
- 1 First Sheep Token
- 4 Sheep Tokens
- 4 Wink Tokens
- 4 Pillow Tokens
- 40 Zzz Tokens
- 1 Nightmare Token
- 1 Web Token
- 30 Dream Tiles
- 50 Sheep Cards
- 30 Nightmare Cards
- 3 Nightmare Reference Cards
- 2 Pillow Reference Tiles
- 1 Rulebook