Star Wars Unlimited Spark of Rebellion Two Player Starter

Regular price $49.95

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As an Authorized Internet Retailer for Upper Deck & Wizards of the Coast, we are only able to sell newly released Upper Deck & Wizards of the Coast products within Canada until 1 year after the release date of the product. If you reside in the United States and attempt to purchase any Upper Deck or Wizards of the Coast products before the 1-year deadline, your order will be cancelled and refunded.

  • Number of players : 2
  • Playing time : 15 - 30
  • Recommended ages : 12+
  • Language : EN

If you’re looking for a good place to kickstart your collection for Star Wars Unlimited, look no further than the Two-Player Starter! This box comes with two pre-built, 50-card decks that you can unpack and play right away, along with a plethora of damage counters, quickstart rules, 2 paper playmats, and 2 folded deckboxes. These starter decks are a great way to learn the game or teach someone new how to play. Also, between the two decks are full playsets of 10 cards that can’t be found in Booster Packs, so make sure to grab one of these boxes to complete your collection!